Basic Zombie Survival Skills

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It is no secret that zombies would be a catastrophe if they existed. An outbreak of the walking dead may always be just around the corner. Whether during the initial pandemonium, the drawn-out fight to survive while awaiting rescue, or the indefinite struggle to persevere in the wrecked world of a zombie apocalypse, you’ll have to be strong to stay alive. Here is a 6-way strength training that could help you survive a zombie outbreak:

There is a sudden outbreak of zombies in your city. Like in the movies, the government is useless. It’s every man for himself. It’s up to you to survive. What should you do in such circumstances? Stay strong, soldier. Don’t let the pandemonium get the better of you. The following listed below are six important survivals tactics you can follow during a zombie outbreak:

1. Heavy weight lifting

If you have a habit of lifting, and you are good at it, then it will come in handy during a zombie outbreak where you have to carry your important gadgets and supplies while on the run. It is useful to carry as many loads as possible so you can bring more armor, weapons, food, and essential items to keep you safe.

2. Climbing

Zombies often face difficulties climbing and crawling in fences, so if you have good legs for climbing over fences and ropes, it’ll be difficult for zombies to reach you. You can save your life in situations where you are on the run by zombies and you have no hiding place. It is also useful to climb to higher locations to get a sniping position.

3. Fast Getaway

This is also a very important factor during a breakout. Zombies will surround you, so you will need fast legs to get your way out of a mess. The stronger your legs are, the better off you will be. You have the upper hand in speed, if not strength, because zombies are slow walkers. A good four to five minutes of acceleration is all you need to get away from them and plan your next course of action.

4. Carrying weapons

While it is most recommended to carry heavy weapons like swords and guns with plenty of ammo during a battle with zombies, few people might know how to use them as they are high-tech weapons and first-timers may injure themselves in the process. Use weapons you’re comfortable with. Improvise. Almost anything can be a weapon: hammers, cricket bats, and crowbars can be lethal if in the right hands because a good hard blow to the head is all it takes to defeat the mindless undead.

5. Good Hand-to-Hand Skills

While it would be a nightmare scenario to fight with a zombie barehanded, it is recommended to get better fighting skills for such occasions where your own fists can save your life. A simple strength in the arms and fists can – and will – decide whether you live or die.

6. Finding a Good Hideout

It is more recommended to use your brain than just using your physical strength; a cool head wins the battle in this one. So lay out your plans and proceed accordingly. You can outsmart the zombies by moving through dark alleys and finding good hiding spots where the zombies will not suspect you.

7. Inner Strength

As we mentioned above, instead of physical strength you should try to make most of your inner strength, and use your brain. Having a level head is crucial. You can make your strength-training program in such a way that is more superficial and builds your character along with muscle, only then do you have a fighting chance against zombies in a breakout.

So these are the survival tactics you can follow to prepare yourself for the breakout of zombies, if there are any in the future.

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