How to Prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse and Keep Your Family Safe

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There are lots of unexpected emergencies in our lives that we should be prepared for. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, you need to know how to escape and survive with your loved ones. Laugh it up, dear readers, and thank me later after the apocalypse has come and gone – assuming you’ll still be alive by then, of course.

This isn’t exactly the Rise of the Zombies – it’s the real world. Now, how exactly does someone prepare himself for a real zombie apocalypse?

First and foremost, make the decision to start to be prepared. Better safe than sorry, as they say.

What You Need

What gadgets and supplies do you need to gather if a zombie apocalypse actually happens? First things first, always have an emergency kit in your house. The emergency kit should consist of items like food, water, and other supplies that should at least get you through the first couple of days before you can find yourself a good shelter or refugee camp where you will be safe from zombies. It will save you valuable time before you reach an evacuation shelter. Listed below are some items that should be included in your emergency kit:

1. Water – Water is the most important part of human survival. A person can stay, at most, 2 days without drinking water before he/she becomes severely dehydrated, so you should carry at least one gallon of water per person for one day to ensure safety and avoid dehydration in treacherous conditions.

2. Food – Food is the second most important item next to water. You should stock up on mostly dry foods which are non-perishable and foods that you normally like to eat.

3. Medical tool set – A medical tool set is also very helpful when you are in danger of being attacked. This should include both prescription and non-prescription medical supplies.

4. Supplies and tools – Supplies and tools include duct tape, utility knife, radio that run on batteries, small screw drivers, hammers, etc. You never know what might come in handy for you.

5. Sanitation and hygiene materials – Sanitation and hygiene materials include soaps, detergents, bleaching powder, towels, napkins, etc.

6. First Aid box – A First Aid box is also important because, in worst-case scenarios, where you are bitten or hurt by a zombie, you can heal yourself by treating basic cuts and lacerations.

7. Bedding materials – Bedding materials will help with sleeping and resting. You should carry clothes and blankets for each family member.

8. Documents – Information like passport, driver’s license, and birth certificate should be carried along as well.

Once you are packed with all your emergency kit, the next step is to gather all your family members and come up with an emergency plan or a backup plan. Don’t fret. This is along the same lines as planning for a natural disaster, like an incoming tornado, only less natural.

1. Take Count of Emergencies – List down the possible emergency that can happen in your area besides zombie apocalypse. Other disasters can be tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes.

2. Find a Suitable Meeting Point – This is a very important point. Find a good meeting place for your family to regroup when zombies attack your house. Pick one place close to your house for sudden emergencies and another place outside your area if you cannot return home right away.

3. Make Lists – Make a list of all the emergency contacts available such as local police station, fire department, and if possible, your local zombie response team! You can also arrange contact numbers of out of state during emergencies to let your loved ones know that you are okay.

4. Plan an Exit Route – Zombies are tireless creatures and will chase you down until they get food, so you should evacuate the area as soon as possible. You should plan to navigate the shortest and safest routes. This is also helpful during natural disasters when finding a safer shelter becomes a priority.

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