Introduction to the Zombie Threat

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If dead people would ever come out of their graves like in the movies it would be a big threat to us. Like in the zombie movies we see, they would feast on us and literally destroy the world as we know it.

First of all, let’s have a look at the characteristics of a zombie:

1. They are dead people, reliving from the graves, whose brains are not destroyed.

2. They are slow-moving creatures.

3. We can only kill zombies by attacking their brains with a strong blow to the head.

4. They can tear human flesh easily.

5. They can kill you instantly.

6. They have a good sense of hearing, sight, and smell. They respond to any non-zombie sounds like gunshots.

7. They roam around places that played a significant part in their life when they were alive.

Here are the 6 deadliest threats of a zombie breakout:

The Zombie itself – That’s the obvious one. From the above characteristics of a zombie, we can tell fairly well that it is stronger than a human, so the zombie itself is a big threat with its unique ability to bite human flesh and cause instant death. They can hear your slow and quiet movements and catch you. They are stronger than you.

2. Being in a state of panic and chaos – This is also quite normal and expected from humans. If dead people suddenly start to rise up from the graves, living humans would obviously be scared to death. Panic and chaos during zombie attacks might stop the whole system of the society, especially in the Western regions.

3. Very tough to kill – If we assume that a zombie apocalypse has taken place in the real world like in the movies, how would you save yourself and kill zombies? Here are some great ideas on how to kill zombies. Zombies don’t walk in a straight line – As we explained earlier, the only way to kill a zombie is by getting a proper headshot. If they stumble all the time, the precision to get a good headshot needs to be more accurate.

4. Zombies have a self-spreading fatal virus. If a zombie bites you, you will surely die. Once you die, you will rise up again and become an addition to the zombie population and therefore you add to the problem for everyone else.

5. Being With People – The best policy to keep you from interacting with a zombie is by being alone. You never know; the person with you might have received a bite or scratch from a zombie, which could make that person turn into a zombie and come to eat you.

6. Not Being Prepared – Believe it or not, you are a threat to yourself during a zombie outbreak. In times of survival a situation, the person that survives is not the most prepared, fittest, and strongest. He is the person that can keep his head straight. Your own ability to keep calm in an extreme situation is going to be the difference between life and death. So even with the best survival plans, you create to defend against zombies, these factors might still trap you.

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Zombie Virus and Its Effects

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How to Prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse and Keep Your Family Safe

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