Ninja Costumes for Girls

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Ever since the success of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles during the 1990′s, ninja Halloween costumes have been really popular with kids and adults alike. Even though adults used to wear these costumes from time to time, it was understandably more popular with the kids. It was not just the Ninja Turtle costumes that were very popular, it was also the ninja assassins that were getting popular. Right now, a lot of movies and high end gave have done nothing but just increase the popularity of the Ninja costumes at its peak.

The origin of the ninjas are quite uncertain, but it is guessed by experts that it was some time during the fourteenth century. During that period, we knew some of the bravest, veracious, ninja warriors. They were Mercenaries and spies of the kings and used to slay people, without the slightest hint of their presence.

Then came the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The breath-taking comic books from the 80′s, evolving into successful TV shows and movies during the 1990’s. The ninja turtle costumes are more expensive compared to the ninja assassin costumes and are a little inconvenient to wear, but hey, this is something that you wear once a year and you really want your costume to be unique and stand out from the rest of what the people are wearing.

The ninja turtle outfits are also openly available in the stores and in online shops like Amazon. Remember, ninja turtles were pizza-obsessed superheroes, so you might want to carry some pizza, (even if they are in plastic) with you.
There is a common misconception that only the boys can wear a ninja costume in the Halloween parties. If you go to the stores, your idea about this concept will change totally, as you will see a wide array of ninja costumes are available for the girls.

Ninja is a clandestine agent who has special expertise when it comes to war, and being in stealth is one of their properties. As your kid will be wearing the costume once, you should not go for an expensive one, as you can understand that it will be a total waste of money. There are some essential items that comes with a ninja costume, so when you buy one for your kid, make sure the items listed below are there in the whole package.

* Mask
* Boots
* Leg Wraps
* Gauntlets
* Belts
* Cape

Depending on your needs, you can add more accessories. You can choose the outfit of any color you want, but choosing a black and red dress is the ideal one to look exactly like a ninja. And as I have already mentioned earlier, you can create a costume by the old robes and dresses in your home.

Before you try on a ninja costume, here is a little heads up. Always remember, the ninjas are famous because they can keep their identity secret. The ninjas never show their face, so you need to wear a mask throughout the Halloween party if you want to look more like a ninja.

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