Reconstructing The Good The Bad and The Ugly

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Reconstructing The Good The Bad and The Ugly

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly premiered in Rome in December 1966. Its premiere length was 177 minutes and 43 seconds. When finally released in America, over a year later, it had been cut to 161 minutes. In 2002, MGM Technical Services reconstructed an English language version to match the 1966 Italian Premiere cut. If you want some ideas for a great looking clint eastwood man with no name/blondie costume, then you should consider reading this article – clint eastwood costume.

transcript for the video:

Eli Wallach (Tuco Ramore): Leone only had a big quarrel with them here because he wanted his movie to be shown in total. they said no it’s three three hours or more. you want to get the audience in get them out show show it again and again and again so he had a cut about 25 minutes and it riled him didn’t likely

Alberto Grimaldi(Producer): he said to do not like it but then he was convinced by my lattice that that was a way of making it feel more acceptable by the American audience

Paul Rutan Jr. (Owner, Triage labs): it’s a dying art to film stuff not many people understand it anymore not many people try and even make it better ion triage lab my partner Tony Munroe and I we specialize in photochemical restoration and we handle obsolete formats the project came through us through John Kirk at MGM he was talking to me one day about techni scope he wanted to do the work with us and when he found out that we could handle the format he did

techni scope is a to perf process devised by Technicolor in the late 1950s it allowed producers and directors and cinematographers to shoot an anamorphic image without the cumbersome CinemaScope lenses they were able to use a wide variety of flat lenses to do that including zoom lenses the depth of field was better it was also cheaper to use because stock costs were cut in half and the processing was cut in half

Technicolor would convert it to aid and anamorphic image which played as normal cinema scope in the theaters. techno scope is obsolete it’s very difficult to find a laboratory that understands how it works. it’s very time-consuming it all has to be done by eye the earlier scan optic lenses could be soft we use a lens that sits behind a nikon primary lens that we actually have the ability to focus both the horizontal and the vertical axis of that lens which gives a superior image.

we can definitely make the Tecna scope look better now than it looked when it was in the theaters in order for triage to do this version of the film. I ordered a print to be made from the Italian version which is the complete version basically so they used this Italian print as their reference guide to make sure that they were getting everything and that it would match the music and effects and the rest of the dialogue.

we had to editorially conform pretty much everything the biggest challenge was basically staying in sync in particular in the very last scene of the picture eli wallach runs out yelling at Clint. I know who you are it was entirely out of sync and it was entirely out of sync in the versions that were done in the 1980s and we had to go through all the elements and find that shot John had a conformed track and he had had eli wallach and clint eastwood come in and redo lines of shots that had been cut out of the american version. a little bit effect no later a memorable fetcher seen a Jose group the reason that I needed to bring in Clint Eastwood Eli Wallach and other actors to do their lines in English for this version was that for the original release it was cut for the english-language version.

before the actors went into the studios in New York to do the english-language dub so these scenes had never been dubbed before otherwise we could have just pulled them out and added the men and their voices would have sounded the same I don’t gamble Queen that’s why I brought them in and had them do the lines even though obviously Clint Eastwood and and Eli Wallach sound a little bit older

I felt it was important to use their voices as opposed to trying to get someone to really imitate what they would have sounded like a long time ago are there so mine John joy let’s eat that is I’ll eat the first ADR session that we did was in October of 2002 then a few weeks later after the first of the year we brought in the other actors. we found a wonderful actor Simon Prescott who did Lee Van Cleef’s voice and some other actors who did the rest and those were all done in a period of just a couple of days.

I felt like that as long as we were going to be fixing up the picture that we needed to do something about the sound as well I think audiences today are used to having a bigger fuller sound particularly for a movie like this which is obviously an epic and wide screen and it would have sounded I think rather hollow had we left it in just the the old mono some of it was very easy to do but some of it was a little harder.

the sound effects and the music were unfortunately on the same track also when we were trying to spread the sound you can’t copy a sound from the front of the screen and put it at the back at the same time without having what they call a phasing problem so we did have to sometimes add an effect like an explosion or a gunshot or something that wasn’t in the original just in order to avoid having that that sound problem and it also was necessary just because of the fact we were doing a 5.1.

when you go into that realm it changes the quality of the sound if we had left some of the the sound effects the way that they were in the original they would have sounded awful compared to the dialogue in the music when I was looking for elements I was made aware that there were a lot of scenes that didn’t end up even in the Italian version I thought well as long as I’m looking for elements why not let’s let’s look around some of them appeared to have been lost or stolen or we weren’t able to find those but I did find a couple of them and one of the scenes I did elect to put back into the film it was the scene where Tuco goes to the cave to recruit the three Bandidos if you work for living why do you kill yourself working.

I did find out that the scene was shown in the original room and premiered the film and then was cut for the Italian version so I didn’t feel like I was putting in something that had never been there. I think taking that scene out created a continuity problem in the film because up to that point Tuco was alone and then all of a sudden you see him coming into town to this hotel with these three Bandidos and you think we’ll where on earth did those guys come from. so I felt like it was important to put that in I did also find a complete version of the scene that I call the Tuco tortured sequence it datebook got some fun delay in the full-length version that sequence runs about two and a half minutes longer than it does in either the Italian or the english-language original version and the reason for that was the original negative was damaged.

so in order to even save the sequence they had to go in and we cut around the footage that had been damaged everyone just thought that was lost but then when the chin attacker not sonali started their restoration they came across a print that did have the complete sequence in it but unfortunately that looked so bad that I thought trying to put that into the but res divided the film which looked so good it would have it would have thrown the audience out at the moment. it you dude you would just be shocked by how bad it looked so I elected to leave that out and that will be an extra on this DVD the fun part of the project was taking something that wasn’t good and making it so it looks really good theatrically it’s spectacular it came out far better than we expected the reaction that I’ve gotten so far to this version is has basically been good. I think most people who see it really like seeing it again on a big screen with the sound and with the extra footage put back in said to me what the easel the screen is what said you liked it and what said you wanted get your friends stay out the down they’re liable to catch a cold. are they I’m sure that they said Journal so they added the scenes of you of the addition of the scenes would love it he’s an artist and he wanted his movie now he’s gone put it back.

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