Scary Halloween Costume Ideas

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While many parents and brothers will be dressing up as Batman or Heath Ledger’s Joker, why not try something different and dress up in a really scary Halloween costume. Scary Halloween costumes are always really popular and just never seem to go out of style. One popular creepy costume is one based around the Red Riding Hood theme. You can purchase costumes in this theme for adults, teens, young children and for toddlers. They would make great halloween costumes for brothers.

Many of these costumes revolve around using a red cloak and a basket, so it would be quite easy to make your own costume this year. Just add some creepy accessories to make your outfit stand out amongst the crowd. The costumes for toddlers are obviously more cute than creepy. For older kids you could add some red hair and red shoes for more of an impact.

For more creepy Halloween costume ideas do a quick search online for old creepy Halloween costumes. This search will result in lots of pictures which you can use to get ideas for creating your own creepy and ghoulish costume!

If you are out to make your house look creepy this year then you can use all types of decorations and effects around your home. You can include a vampire brides head around your front door. Or hang an animated evil clown or ghost up on your front porch.

For a huge impact purchase a toddler sized ghost or clown outfit, stuff it full of paper and then add some scary effects and hang in up on your porch or on a tree if you have one. Adding some Halloween fright night music can add to the creepiness of your home. Just remember that if you go really creepy, you may actually scare away some of your younger trick and treaters.

A simple way to add impact to your costume is to add some fake blood. This can just be some red colored paint placed on your clothes. Use red colored makeup for painting scars and cuts onto your face.

Some creepy characters that you may want to base your own costume on are the Doom Slayer, Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter and Shock Rock costumes. You can even turn the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz into a creepy character just add bandages to your face!

To find the latest and greatest creepy characters check out the newest movie and DVD release lists. This is really helpful especially if you want to keep up with the latest Halloween trends this year.

Another option is to check the large retail sites like Amazon and see what they have to offer. You can easily see the best selling costumes online and either purchase one there or attempt to make your own costume.

Now at least you have a good idea of where to find out what the creepiest Halloween costumes are this year. If you are a do it yourself type of person you can make your own creepy Halloween costume. If not then you can purchase a readymade costume. Just remember that if you want a more popular costume shop early as the best selling ones tend to sell out quickly and early.

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