The Good,The Bad & The Ugly – Leone’s West (2/2)

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The Good,The Bad & The Ugly – Leone’s West (2/2)

This is part 2 of the interviews that Clint Eastwood and other people in the film industry did where they talked about the Spaghetti Westerns directed by Sergio Leone. If you want some ideas for a great looking clint eastwood man with no name/blondie costume, then you should consider reading this article – man with no name costume.

transcript for the video:

Mickey Knox (English Language Version Translator): a good movie director comes to a set early in the morning and walks the scenes through that he’s going to do that day himself alone so he can think and concentrate that then once he got it he relaxes somewhat you know the day is from 9:00 to 5:00 and I said it’s not like the old days. He was so concentrated on what he wanted I mean there wasn’t a moment of film that he printed that wasn’t exactly what he wanted. His pictures are wonderful

Clint Eastwood: not a lot of coverage he sometimes would do a shot three or four times because they were so paranoid in the early days especially not so much on the good the bad the ugly because that was a co United Artists production in a fairly large budget but in the early days they do a couple takes because they figured the lab would screw up the first two or three or somebody would get scratched or somebody would drop it there was just all kind it was a very very haphazard crew

Marconi: Leone didn’t do much directing he knew what he wanted in his shot he knew how to set it up he had a wonderful camera man named Tony know the liquori a little man who was brilliant with a camera said you’re the chose with really Goldie is seen with all of her his oneness and out to be one of the bestest in all of us in Italy.

Mickey Knox (English Language Version Translator): In Italy the photographers are great it’s atavistic you know it dates back centuries the talent these people have I mean when the Italians went it through were high fashion designing they took it over they’re incredibly talented and you got a church you go into Naples I mean Florence especially or Rome there’s a masterpiece of painting hey Pablo don’t you recognize me hey it’s me hey Zuko on the set the actor spoke the language he knew there’s a scene with my brother I don’t know the right thing he would watch my lips when I stop speaking then he would talk what about our parents soul others so judicata to Tallulah and I understood enough Italian he did it in Italian or French or German whatever language they spoke they spoke they didn’t care if they were extraneous noises like you say oh the camera is making a little noise they didn’t care about that so as long as the picture was clear you’d be doing a scene in your eye-line off of the one side of the camera or another you’d see a couple guys back there playing frisbee here making motions or telling jokes and you hear people talking and it’s it’s very very distracting and I just kind of forged over it it gave me a reason to concentrate that much more intently they just weren’t used to the quietness of a set where sound is a very important feature I’d make up a lot of stuff anyway and so would he like we just do the scenes and whatever the intent was and then but you did to have to keep track of it because you’re gonna loop it later there’s an actor who lived in Rome they Mickey Knox who lives literal and Mickey they gave him the job of the dubbing I would sit at a small movie olla and go over the film or reach a speech back and forth back and forth and had a fit in what I adapted in English into the lips they were the allowing Clinton was easier than the others because they only spoke English and many times that was good enough I spent a whole morning on one line just two words an Italian is a big close-up of a God saying to prisoners of war from the south and they’re playing while they torturing Eli the music is supposed to drown out the screams at one point they start to cry the musicians the line in Italian is pew fourth day which means louder you well I couldn’t get it in Pew fourth day as to labels you I was stuck on until I came back from lunch and I thought wait a minute I got it really knocks work was very important that way and very effective for this reason I don’t give a gun to him what they do in Andersonville well I’m in charge the singer must have been perfect otherwise the American audience would the look there was a low sink and immediately a pitcher will be mollified there’s a poor pitcher you see in this world has two kinds of people my friend I was with loaded guns who take you take the major problem that I’ve always had in translating and adapting scripts from Italian English is the humor it’s different American humor is not like Italian humor in many many cases I had to find the American humor and fit it into the dialogue see you soon hee hee idiots hmm it’s for you I didn’t think I was funny in places he was quote to me one line I said all the time when you have to shoot you don’t talk I didn’t think it was funny I think I was a shot a man and I said you wasted your time I’m gonna shoot you that’s all but for some reason it it turned out oddly and people took pleasure out of this man it’s actually truism movies especially action movies that less dialog is more and has more of an impact y-yeah ah yeah we’re going for a ride where Clinton was always arguing the Sergio for less dialogue and you each thought that this guy should be really silent not have any exposition whatsoever keep his comments to almost fragmentary sentences that’s right $2,000 yet what little dialogue Clint has tends to be very memorable for example in good bad and the ugly when when he finally comments on the carnage of the big battle of the bridge never seen so many men are wasted so badly that Lee sings out at you because he is up to now made no comment about the stupidity of the whole conflict he hasn’t said a word but when he finally does speak that line it’s very potent a couple steps back I think in the band ugly Glenn’s character is sort of mysteriously darker than he is and the others for example when he decides to break up his partnership with Eli there’s no particular motive for that he just up and does it how do you know maybe there’s some backstory we’re not privy to but you know that good scam they’ve got going it could go on for a long time with it I just doesn’t make much sense on the other hand he’s also in the later passages of the movie more humane than he’s been in his previous movies I think he’s going a little bit more towards humanity on the one hand a little bit more toward a kind of enigmatic darkness on the other there’s a little bit more range in this character.

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