Top 10 Best Horror Movie Endings of All Time

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Top 10 Best Horror Movie Endings of All Time

These are the greatest endings to some of your favorite horror films. WatchMojo presents the Top 10 best horror movie endings. If you want some costumes ideas for big and little brothers, then you should read this article – halloween costumes for brothers. If you want some ideas for a great looking clint eastwood man with no name/blondie costume, then you should consider reading this article – man with no name/blondie costume. Listed below are the top 10 horror movie endings and their start times in the video:

00:47 #10 [•REC] (2007)
01:39 #9 The Thing (1982)
02:42 #8 Saw (2004)
03:41 #7 The Blair Witch Project (1999)
04:34 #6 The Mist (2007)
05:37 #5 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
06:32 #4 Sleepaway Camp (1983)
07:35 #3 The Sixth Sense (1996(
08:41 #2 Carrie (1977)
10:08 #1 Psycho (1961)

Top 10 Best Horror Movie Endings of All Time

transcript of the video:

Every great horror movie must be wrapped up with a truly great finale. Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 best horror movie endings. Before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content for this list we’re not specifically looking at final big screen scenes that scared the bejesus out of us as we’ve already got a video for that. Instead we’re focusing on iconic horror movie endings that shocked us define the horror genre or left us talking about it for days after the fact. It’s too late Krueger. I know the secret now as you may have guessed a big spoiler alert is in order no let’s turn down the lights grab some popcorn and explore horror mastery.

[Music] Number 10 [•REC]
This 2007 Spanish horror film is criminally underrated doing more for both the zombie genre and the found-footage genre than most movies that came before and after it Angela and Pablo find themselves locked in an apartment building with strange and violent tenants slowly picking off the residents one by one while the thrills and carnage are exhilarating throughout it’s the final 15 minutes that lead viewers breathless and on the edge of their seats ending in a dark room in the apartment with patient zero lurking in the shadows shaky cam and darkness are you super Glee to make this ending truly satisfying while returning zombie films to their horrifying glory n

Number 9 The thing
The thing surely stands out is one of the greatest horror movies of all time particularly with regards to body horror effects that stand the test of time over three decades later a group of researchers at an Antarctic Research Station find a mysterious specimen that takes various human forms to pick off the characters one by one the true mastery lies in the paranoia that any person could be the thing in disguise with mounting suspicion up until the film’s explosive climax killer where were you two survivors emerge and the ambience uses distrust while the score subtly rocks tension levels up to 11 equal parts satisfying and maddening few horror films leave viewers discussing the outcome quite like this one wait here for a little while

Number eight saw
clink meet the saw franchise may have zeroed in on the torture point aspect in later installments but the first movie managed to produce a gripping storyline that left viewers jaws on the floor without the help of jigsaws contraptions two men find themselves chained in a run-down bathroom with the dead corpse between them sparking the first of many questions they attempt to answer before it’s too late the final sequence reveals mystery after mystery in rapid succession until it’s revealed the alleged corpse was actually the jigsaw killer all along this is war acting poison coursing through your system which only I have the antidote as jigsaw departs epic music and expressions of despair are blasted upon the viewer until we are effectively left with Adam in total darkness

Number seven the Blair Witch Project
while [•REC] may have breathe fresh air into the found-footage genre this film brought it to life all for the price of $60,000 it follows three fictional students who set out to make a documentary on the Blair Witch that allegedly haunts the woods of Maryland once the audience was introduced to the abandoned house at the film’s climax heart rate’s collectively spiked as the unspeakable happens largely off screen the ending earns its spot due to visceral realistic sensations that feel like a snuff film as The Godfather of found footage films it has a climax that would make Michael and don vito corleone wet their pants

Number six the mist
gave her a good shot nobody can say we didn’t among all the criteria checked off for a memorable movie endings today this one takes the cake for dramatic irony taking place largely in a local grocery store David and his young son taped refuge in the shop after a mysterious mist envelops the area the mist is followed by terrifying demonic creatures and plenty of grisly deaths the survivors eventually come face-to-face with their demise and David mercifully shoots everyone including his son with the remaining bullets though he doesn’t have one to kill himself as he prepares to meet his maker the US Army comes to the rescue and David realizes that he has killed his son just minutes before he’d have been saved. It’s gut wrenching and tragic to the nth degree making us wish the filmmakers could have just given us a happy ending

Number five a Nightmare on Elm Street
a million bucks this film succeeds by playing with the viewers expectations particularly during his final sequence a Nightmare on Elm Street introduced the world to Freddy Krueger a disfigured monster who seeks vengeance for his death by murdering victims in their dreams Nancy the strong female lead vanquishes Freddy once and for all resulting in a dreamlike happy ending that is until the striped hood of a convertible car comes down and Dredd fills every inch of the screen viewers are thrown from releasing content to anxious and terrified in a matter of seconds finally the inevitable take place in a fashion that would make the most stoical among us jump out of our pants

Number 4 sleepaway camp
An ending that’s memorable for both its graphic nature and shocking revelation. Sleepaway camp tells the story of a traumatized young adult named Angela who survived an accident when she was younger that left several loved one’s dead. She is forced to join a summer camp to help with her introversion and various tormentors wind up dead suggesting a secret protector watching over Angela. The final reveal is a naked Angela holding her suitor Paul’s severed head. Oh and Angela has a penis. She was a man in disguise all along. [Music] Sensory overload in the most wickedly compelling fashion earns this a spot on our list with a final shot that securely placed in nightmare banks for years to come. We can find something interesting in the walk-in. Never know what you can find in there

Number three The Sixth Sense
who does it? is it the most famous movie twist of all time? It’s certainly up there coal sear is a troubled child who claims to see dead people a psychologist by the name of dr. Malcolm Crowe sets out to help coal and a compelling narrative and chilling encounters follow up upon second viewing the clues were everywhere dr. Malcolm was dead the entire time it’s obvious Ness makes the reveal that much more astounding and placed young M night Shyamalan at the epicenter of Hollywood nearly overnight The Sixth Sense proves that gore and constant thrills aren’t required for a truly great horror movie just attention to detail rounded characters and quality ending that’s still being discussed decades later

[Music] Number 2 Carrie
I wouldn’t let it go to the funerals that’s Tommy and all the others gone it’s best we just go away for a while the second Stephen King adaptation on our list centers on Carrie White a high school outcast who is bullied to no end by her peers tricked into forging a friendship with popular classmates she falls victim to a cruel prank at prom and burns the whole school down with her psychic powers which we forgot to mention until just now a murder-suicide accident leaves Carrie six feet under and another dreamlike sequence ensues it’s so obvious that this is build-up to one final jump scare but the scene is so technically masterful it takes everyone by utter surprise as one of the greatest jump scares in movie history it also serves as the perfect ending to an unsettling table [Music] before we unveil our topic here are a few honorable mentions [Music]

[Music] Number one psycho
he feels a little chill can I bring him this blanket sure we love our jump scares but genuine horror transcends cheap thrills and truly gets under your skin long after the end credits one of Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest flicks brought a serial killer to the silver screen with violence twists and narrative choices that had never been seen before it said when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son ending with Norman Bates in police custody and the voice of his mom playing in his head showing how truly psychotic and deranged Norman is they know I can’t even move a finger and I won’t just sit here and be quiet his stare her voice the fly they all tap into a dark corner of the human psyche we wish to avoid at all costs psycho is a rare film that will still be relevant 100 years after its release. the unnerving ending wins the top spot for this and much more. She wouldn’t even harm a fly

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