What made Batman Begins a Good Movie?

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The superhero of the DC Comics comic book craze we all enjoyed in childhood is brought to life in the 2005 superhero movie Batman Begins. Directed by Christopher Nolan, it stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman alongside Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, and Morgan Freeman in supporting roles. The film tells the story of how Bruce Wayne became Batman. We only get to see the Joker playing card at the end of the movie but we don’t get to see Heath Ledger and Heath Ledger’s Joker costume until the beginning of The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins,

So many times when a movie is made, there are elements added that detract rather than add to the story but this is not the case with Batman Begins. Starring Christian Bale as the hero, this movie strips to the core all of the junk that took away the true essence of the Batman storyline. In place of the junk is delivered the true story of Batman in a gripping form of purity.

From the child Bruce Wayne once was to the dark, brooding caped crusader, this movie is closer to the original intent of the superhero creator than any of the other Batman movies.

Wealthy man by day, avenging vigilante by night, Batman seeks to aid those caught in the grip of people who would bring harm and evil. The sight of the avenging one sends out arrows of fear piercing like slivers of glass into the minds of the lower dregs of society who prey on the vulnerable and the innocent.

One villain from Batman Begins is Jonathan Crane, better known as Scarecrow. First appearing in the comics in 1941, Scarecrow is a criminal psychiatrist with no remorse for his actions. He uses fear to manipulate and terrorize both his victims and Gotham City. In Batman Begins, he is a corrupt official within the Gotham City police department who works alongside Ra’s al Ghul in order to spread chaos throughout the city.

Scarecrow has several signature tools that make him a formidable foe for the Dark Knight. He carries an iconic burlap mask which conceals his face and induces fear into those who lay eyes upon it. Additionally, he employs a special gas that causes extreme paranoia and hallucinations in anyone who inhales it; even Batman himself was not immune to its effects!

However, the primary antagonist in Batman Begins is Ra’s al Ghul (played by Liam Neeson). Ra’s is a centuries-old criminal mastermind with a vendetta against Bruce Wayne and a terrorist leader who uses his League of Shadows to manipulate events throughout Gotham City. He seeks to destroy Gotham with an elaborate plan involving a fear toxin that will create chaos and destruction in the city – much like what happened to his own city in the past.

The character was adapted from classic DC Comics lore, where he has been featured since Batman #232, published in June 1971. In this iteration, Ra’s al Ghul is portrayed as an immortal figure who has lived across many generations, using money and influence to further his plans of world domination.

Directed by Christopher Nolan, Batman Begins brings the theater screen experience straight to buyers. Thanks to Blu-ray, the picture is sharp and the colors keep their brilliant theater hue.

Christian Bale takes the number one spot over those who played Batman in the past. The dark undercurrent of this movie is enough to keep viewers glued to their seat until the ending credits roll.

The combination of acting skills in the superb characters who play Alfred and Al Ghul are an asset to the cast set to play this old favorite. Like in the other Batman movies, Gotham is still the city where the action scenes rock and the caped crusader prowls the streets to fight for justice. The movie was actually filmed in the great city of Chicago, Illinois.

Though the movie is a stunning work of cinematic pleasure to view, there needs to be a word of caution for parents of children younger than ten, the beginning of the movie where Batman is in a type of prison may be a little traumatic for them.

As in all the movies starring this fictional superhero, Batman is the mainstay. However, in none of the other movies was the character given as much depth and torment of soul as he is in this edition of Batman. Fans who expect more in a movie won’t be disappointed with Batman Begins.

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