Where Should We Take Shelter in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse?

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Let’s think of a worst-case scenario. Suppose this is the fourth week of the zombie apocalypse in your city. You’ve been following the rules for three weeks and have stayed inside the house barricading every possible entrance. Trapped in your apartment, the only sounds you heard were gunshots and the hiss of blazing fire. The zombies are coming nearer and nearer each day. You can feel it in your bones. You are almost out of food and water, and you are feeling sick and need medical attention as well. What do you do? Where do you go in this situation?

Let’s start with a list of places where you should not go:

Grocery Markets: If it had been the first or second day of the zombie outbreak, you might have found some food or medical tools, but since it’s the third week, most grocery stores would’ve been robbed by now. You may not find any food or even water in there. It has been picked clean.

Hospitals: This is also a place which is not good for you in these conditions. For any medical center, it would be filled with infected people who are dead or injured during the zombie apocalypse. Patients who are brought to be treated often turn into zombies themselves. These buildings might contain zombies and looters and there is no possibility of finding any help in these hospitals.

Prison: At first thought you might think to yourself that being inside a high-security prison is not such a bad idea. In fact, it sounds marvelously safe. But in the third week, it might seem like a living hell. With the security system broken it might become a death zone for anyone who gets lost inside.

Malls: If anyone has seen Dawn of the Dead, you already know why you should not go there.

Now let’s see some places where you should go:

Military bases and headquarters: Military bases are always equipped with heavy protection against any attack and have plenty of medical facilities, a large stock of food and water, and weapons. Sweet! So if you want to survive in a zombie apocalypse, this is the place you should first look for. Search for your nearest military installment. If you go to the area and find no survivors, you can still pick up valuable supplies from there. Pick up as many weapons as you can carry. Food and water can also be found there. To get off the area, you can use abandoned cars and off-road vehicles which will come in great use in a zombie apocalypse.

Fortified shelters could also be found in those military installation areas. These are a great source for a hideout and contain a massive amount of supplies, food, and weapons that can keep you alive for months. Always get detailed map locations to your nearest military camps.

If none of these is an option for you, the last thing you can do is go to a police station or courthouse as an alternate and last destination. There, you are more likely to find survivors and you can find weapons and supplies in abundance.

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